Channeling Energy With Yoga: 5 Positions

Yoga helps us channel energy and maintain great self-control over our ability to focus on the present.
Channeling energy with yoga: 5 positions

Practicing yoga regularly helps to channel energy and to have more control over our ability to concentrate, to be “present”.

Yoga helps us to connect better with what is happening around us, to see clearly and, finally, to make decisions that will give us the feeling of having everything under control.

On the other hand, one of the consequences most often associated with the feeling of helplessness is stress and, therefore, the adoption of a defense or flight position. In turn, this element can cause various diseases, both physical and mental. When faced with great challenges, it is vital to keep our nerves steady and channel energy by doing our best.

This is where yoga comes into play, which increases the intensity of the vibration so that the body and mind can rest and digest when it happens in the outside world. One of the best ways to do this is to stimulate the flow of energy throughout the body, distributing it wisely; this is possible thanks to the yoga known as prana.

When prana flows as it should, it is easier for the voluntary and involuntary phenomena of the body to function well. Stimulating a greater influx of energy through the body can increase our ability to manage stress, improving overall well-being.

Yoga to channel energy

Indian physician, writer and speaker specialist in spirituality Deepak Chopra explains that people are made up of four bodies : spiritual (or energy), mental, emotional and physical, all connected to each other.

Being a system, what affects one of the four bodies indirectly affects the rest. If we are emotionally shaken, it is easy to transfer this lack of energy to the physical plane as well. Taking care of one of the four bodies strengthens the whole system, bearing excellent fruit.

There are several ways to create balance and channel energy. Research shows that physically active people, on average, exhibit a more positive mood than inactive ones. 

However, maintaining optimal energy levels still seems to be the main challenge when the agenda is busy and there is no time to devote to physical activity. Also, how can we find additional energy whenever we need it?

Yoga may be the answer. This discipline has gained popularity in recent years and is the ideal way to get fit, as it requires no tools and can be practiced in any place and situation.

Channel energy with yoga poses

Yoga is a great tool for channeling energy and stimulating it ; positively affects the whole body, in all its parts. There are many yoga positions that help us channel and create energy.

The ones we are about to see are based on the feet, firmly anchored to the floor to create a solid support and give us nourishment starting right from the earth, to grow gradually towards the sky, opening the heart to allow light and inspiration to penetrate until to our inner world.

Balasana (or child posture)

Balasana is a position of rest that restores balance and harmony in the body and guides the mind towards a state of openness and receptivity. In addition to “massaging” the internal organs, the position of the balasana calms the mind and the central nervous system, relieves stress, fatigue and tension.

It improves breathing and promotes awareness of the role of internal organs in relation to the body’s energy. While it may not be a physically demanding posture, it will help you develop the attitude needed for a more advanced practice.

Position of the child

Urdhva Hastasana (Position of the raised hands or of the greeting)

Urdhva Hastasana is a posture that brings several benefits; for example, it calms fatigue and mild anxiety. This position is natural and many of us do it unconsciously when getting out of bed; without knowing it, they move energy after a night’s sleep.

Urdhva Hastana increases energy levels. By performing this position you will notice that starting from the vital center of the abdomen, the strength accumulates and the energy rises along the back, while the feet remain united and firmly fixed to the ground, as if they had roots.

Channel the energy

Ardha Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

It is widely believed that the Ardha Dhanurasana opens the manipura chakra (solar plexus or navel), which is the center of energy and vitality in the body. By activating manipura, we can drive out fear and insecurity, cultivate self-esteem, self-confidence; we will be able more easily to have a purpose and to stimulate the inner fire that pushes us to pursue our goals.

Ardha Dhanurasana also opens the nadis (or energy channels), stimulating the influx of prana through the body. With the inflow of internal energy, the position induces self-realization and a feeling of power, developing the attitude of “letting it flow” and stimulating the search for one’s inner self.

Finally, Ardha Dhanurasana offers the following mental health benefits:

  • Increase your focus.
  • Energizes the mind.
  • Improve willpower and self-esteem.
  • It clears the mind.
  • Relieves stress and depression.
Woman doing yoga

Vrksasana (Tree Pose)

Vrksasana is a position of balance that shows our mental state, as it is necessary to focus to maintain stability when the mind jumps from one thought to another.

Just like the roots of a tree – which are the base of the trunk and branches –  in Vrksasana our feet and legs support the upper body. They allow us to remain erect, with strength and elegance, improving balance, concentration and clearing the mind of thoughts.

This asana also activates the muladhara chakra. Such stimulation promotes confidence, increases the flow of energy, calms the mind and makes you feel grounded and inwardly stable.

Woman performs dog position

Urdhva Mukha Sawanasana (Upward Dog Pose)

According to tradition, Urdhva Mukha Sawasana stimulates the anhata chakra, opening the body to compassion, love and gratitude. By performing a forward bend, this asana opens and stretches the breastbone, increasing the sense of strength and confidence, positive energy and inhalation.

Urdhva Mukha Sawanasana is considered an “extroverted” position that can keep at bay our tendency to withdraw when we feel depressed or overwhelmed. In addition, it stimulates the pineal gland, an endocrine gland that produces hormones that control the central nervous system; controls and regulates the sleep patterns of the human body.

Position of the dog

To enjoy all the benefits of yoga through the postures we have described, it is best to practice. Practice will make you more skilled over time, returning forgotten or new “mental paths” to channel energy.

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