Abundance Is An Inner State That Gives Well-being

Getting in tune with abundance means first of all being able to value and appreciate.
Abundance is an inner state that gives well-being

Abundance is, above all, an inner state. It would be even more correct to say that it is a feeling motivated by the fact that we have what we need. A perspective oriented towards what we have, rather than towards what we lack. It has nothing to do with a large bank account or a life of excess.

“Those who own are not rich, but those who need less”. This is what abundance is , a feeling of completeness that does not depend on the outside, but on our inner dimension.

Both abundance and poverty involve a combination of emotions, thoughts and beliefs. This is why there is a contradiction that despite having a lot, one feels unhappy. On the other hand, there are people who have very little and are grateful and happy.

The feeling of lack or lack

Deficiency is common to all human beings. We are born with shortcomings and many of these accompany us to our deathbed. We are determined by a genetic make-up, a race and many other characteristics. Each of them implies a renunciation of all other alternatives.

We grow and live with lack as a perspective. No matter what circumstances we live in, we must always give up. Every day we leave goods and loved ones behind us. People, situations, bonds that we cannot make eternal.

Butterfly at sunset

Even though we all know it, some people don’t give up. They want to eliminate this part of life that involves renunciation, loss and emptiness. By doing so, they sharpen the feeling of emptiness that, to a greater or lesser extent, lives in each of us.

When the feeling of lack predominates, we live life with the feeling that it owes us something. Furthermore, we think that somewhere there exists a totality that forever eradicates the sense of emptiness. Sometimes we come to set aside our creative abilities to become eternally dissatisfied recipients.

The state of abundance

Deficiency is a reality, a condition that has the task of blurring and shaping our emotions. Those who live by rejecting it usually get trapped in it. Just as without the night we could not appreciate the day, in the same way, without lack we could not build the feeling of abundance.

Those who have had less are more prepared to welcome the feeling of abundance into their lives. Being aware of the sense of emptiness, of an unfulfilled need or desire, he gives great value to what he “fills”, even if only partially.

Woman with scarf

Being humble does not mean being conformist or submissive. Instead, it means understanding that we came into the world alone, naked and powerless. Everything we have achieved since then has been a victory. 

Connect with abundance

In a consumerist world and society like the ones we live in, we tend to think that abundance is excess. And that excess is a source of satisfaction. For this reason, in many people an inexplicable voracity grows that finds no relief anywhere. They always want more and nothing is ever enough.

It is a condition in which there is not extreme abundance, but extreme lack. All of this turns into suffering rather than relief. The desire to find that satisfaction that is missing inside is transferred to the outside.

Man meditates on abundance

This is why connecting with abundance means first of all being able to value and appreciate. Valuing means giving meaning to what we possess and obtain, however miserable it may seem. Appreciating means allowing yourself to feel joy for everything you have in life that may not be there.

Take a humble stand in front of the universe and give meaning to everything around you. Only in this way will you conquer abundance.

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