It’s Not You, It’s Me … And Without You, I’m Everything!

It's not you, it's me ... And without you, I'm everything!

How many times have we felt attracted to people who didn’t match our feelings? Or people who didn’t do it the way we wanted or thought we deserved? For them we have emptied ourselves, never receiving anything in return.

How many times do we bond with someone, as if we need an external reason to be able to enjoy life? As if knowing that there is someone for us was the only confirmation of our importance.

How many times have we had to take cover, because that person we thought we knew better than anyone else actually disappointed us?

How many times have we felt guilty at the end of a relationship , convinced that we have not been able to manage it better or really prove who we are?  As if we were to be perfect or pretend to be someone we have never been.

How many times have we compared ourselves to other people who, according to our point of view, surpass us in everything? As if we were not our own example to follow.

How many times. How many times have we had to hear a ” I want everything to be as it was before” followed by a door that has been slammed in our face …

Because it’s not you, it’s me

Of course it’s me. It is I who have learned not to be there if they do not seek me, not to grant myself if I do not receive, not to give more than what others show they deserve. I am the one who understood that if things do not come by themselves, then it is better not to force them, because then they rust, lose value, stop working, remain cheated forever.

I am the one who wants to dance, laugh and live without conditioning, without excuses, without interference. To have learned that in order to think of you first I have to know who I am, what is important to me, where I want to go .

Because life is a matter of priorities. And we can’t live depending on another person’s priorities. We cannot put in the hands of others the power to determine our degree of happiness according to their intentions, as if we were unable to achieve it alone.

Because we don’t have to look for someone else to complete us, we are already complete beings. We seek it to broaden our horizons. To give something, and for something else to be given to us. To solve a complicated equation of which we still ignore the unknown.

independence 1

Don’t go out there with the sole intent of finding what you don’t find in yourself. Do not go out with the intention of being discovered if you are unable to mature. To go in search of what fills you with truth, to pursue your dreams.

They educate us to please others, to please people, to live by the ideals of most people . They educate us by making us believe that bonding with someone or something else is strictly necessary to reach the top in life.

But they don’t explain what’s written in small letters in the footnote. The one that says we can’t bond with someone if we can’t stand up for ourselves. If we don’t keep the balance, if we can’t bear the weight of our goals.

First we must be ourselves, and then everything that is congruent with us. It is not selfishness, it is consistency. When we open the door to the outside, we must know how to filter what is worth, what can give us something positive. If we do not know what we are looking for, we will not be able to value what we find.

It is not about feeling above others, but about being in control of our lives, so that the whirlwind of emotions does not blind us when the time comes to follow our own path.

Because sure, it’s not you, it’s me. The one who understood that people should not be needed, they must be loved. That to live I just need to keep breathing.

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