Psychological Beauty Makes The Senses Fall In Love

Psychological beauty makes the senses fall in love

Physical beauty isn’t everything. Indeed, the weight that physical beauty has on our emotions is aimed at a single and fleeting purpose: passion. On the contrary, psychological beauty goes beyond appearances : thanks to it we fall in love and it is only with it that we really get naked.

Emotions can only be undressed through the language of affectivity. Our heart opens and our fears are frightened when we surround ourselves with beautiful people, those who sow truth, sincerity and intimate affection in a relationship.

Looking beyond the needs that merge with selfishness, psychological beauty leads us to show ourselves, pushes us towards the graceful caresses between two souls, towards affection, dreams, the harmony of mutual aspirations, the protection of self-esteem, leads us to live in a world full of affection.


Psychological beauty: the best gift we can receive

The gifts we receive through psychological beauty are nourished by sincere, healthy and eloquent affection. Because true beauty does not affect the eyes, but feeds the emotions and the senses.

In this regard, we quote the beautiful words taken from a speech given by Virginia Satir:

 I believe the best gift anyone can get is to be looked at, heard, understood and touched.

The best gift I can give is to look, listen, understand and touch the other person.

When that happens, I feel a bond has been created.

Working on the psychological beauty of our relationships and impregnating our life with it implies the ability to listen, connect with oneself and know one’s emotional baggage. It is essential to help each other to bring out their fears, to overcome insecurities and to reach their goals.


The secrets of a relationship based on beauty

It’s no mystery: surrounding ourselves with people who love us makes us happier. Sometimes we forget about it, wasting our time with harmful relationships that poison our life.

This is why it is important to always keep in mind

the secrets behind a positive relationship:

  • Security and trust in oneself and in others

    : true intimacy is achieved only through complicity and good communication. By breaking down walls and prohibitions, we will be able to feel better about ourselves and those around us.

  • Avoid prejudice, avoid mockery, irony and hypocrisy

    . Psychological beauty only understands the language of respect and humility.

  • Take your time

    to build emotions is the basis of existence and, consequently, of ourselves.


A psychologically beautiful person is:

  • A person who envelops, who does not judge, who does not punish, who does not try to harm.
  • A person who stays close to those who need her, who seeks an accomplice intimacy.
  • A person who finds another way to express thoughts that hurt, who reformulates what is negative, who learns from others, who seeks to improve, who uses sincere inner language.
  • A person who gets naked, who opens up, who reveals himself, who takes care of his relationships, who fosters sincere affection.

A psychologically beautiful person is not only the ideal of a person that everyone would like at their side, but also the image of ourselves to which we all aspire. For this, without any doubt, psychological beauty must be the priority in front of the mirror – only in this way will we be able to read our eyes with the language of the heart. Only in this way will we create meaningful, sincere and lasting relationships that will leave us anchored in happiness.

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