Alpha Brain Waves To Fight Depression

The relaxed, present-focused brain is not dominated by fear or anguish. It is a brain within which alpha waves work intensely, particularly suitable for blurring the inner reality of depression.
Alpha brain waves to fight depression

Alpha brain waves can be detected in a frequency range between 8 and 12 Hz. They are the result of synchronic and more rhythmic brain activity that promotes relaxation and concentration; moreover, it stimulates creativity and well-being and even reduces the symptoms associated with depression.

The ability to intensify alpha brain waves is no guarantee of complete recovery from psychological conditions such as anxiety and depression. However, training the brain to calm and balance leads to the achievement of an inner condition prone to satisfaction, calm and ready to face these psychological realities with greater resources.

In short, a means aimed at a purpose, but not only. In recent years, work has been done intensively on electrostimulation of the brain in order to increase the appearance of these waves.

A study conducted by the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Minnesota and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) indicates that the application of small shocks between 8 and 10 hertz offers positive results in the field of neuropsychiatry.

Alpha brain waves.

Alpha brain waves are our allies to gain creativity and fight depression

Our brain is made up of thousands of millions of neurons that communicate with each other through electrical impulses. When we talk about brain waves, we are referring to the impulses transmitted from one neuron to another along any area of ​​the brain.

It doesn’t matter if you are asleep or in a coma: this electrical activity is always present when we are alive. On the other hand, it is interesting to note that the different types of brain waves each have a specific function.

For example, gamma waves intensify with high-level cognitive processes, such as consciousness, attention, concentration or reasoning.

Delta waves, on the other hand, have greater amplitude when we sleep without dreaming. And so, theta waves are formed when we experience intense emotions, such as anxiety and stress.

Well, it may be that among these five types of waves the most fascinating are the alpha waves. Discovered by the German physiologist and psychiatrist Hans Berger in 1924, they marked a before and after from many points of view.

The first is because Berger was also the inventor of the electroencephalogram, a tool that changed the history of neurology. Second, a new way was found to get relief from anxiety and depression.

Alpha waves and creativity

A study conducted by Dr. Caroline Lustenberg of the University of North Carolina revealed an interesting hypothesis. When people are relaxed or come more deeply into contact with their surroundings, alpha waves increase.

When the electrical activity of the brain works at this frequency, we are able to produce more innovative ideas and inspiration increases.

Depression and alpha waves

A person suffering from depression, anxiety, fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue will exhibit an abnormal alpha wave pattern, which is characterized by continuous oscillations. Under normal conditions, these waves are in perfect synchrony.

This aspect has aroused the interest of neurologists and neuropsychologists for brain stimulation as a tool to intensify alpha waves to promote the well-being of many patients with psychiatric disorders.

At the same time, in the Harvard School of Medicine (HMS) the hypothesis was advanced that when the alpha waves are active, the production of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA increases, a fundamental component in the reduction of fear, stress levels, anxiety. , etc.

Woman meditating in the mountains.

How can we increase alpha brain waves?

Alpha brain waves are very important mediators in our well-being. So how can we stimulate them in order to alleviate the symptoms associated with depression? In fact, there are many ways to do this. For example, there are those who resort to neurofeedback. 

It is a training of the electrical activity of the brain that uses operant conditioning and electroencephalogram technology. In these cases, some electrodes are applied to the patient’s head (without applying shocks) which will measure the activity of the brain waves.

Then, together with a specialized technician, a series of images will be shown on the screen in order to work on the increase of alpha brain waves.

In addition to neurofeedback, there are other very simple strategies that we can implement in everyday life. These are the following:

  • Meditation or mindfulness.
  • Yoga.
  • Deep breathing.
  • Progressive relaxation of the muscles.
  • Daydreaming or resorting to guided visualization techniques.
  • Music or binaural tones. It is a type of auditory stimuli contained in the frequency below 1000 Hz, whereby a different sound is created in each ear. In this way we will stimulate relaxation and the appearance of alpha brain waves.


This is a very fascinating subject, but one must not forget that there are many other techniques required to treat depression.

Still, stimulating the appearance of these waves will always be a way to promote our well-being ; in other words, they favor the success of psychological therapy, therefore of healing.

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