If The Soul Does Not Give Itself Completely, It Dies

If the soul does not give itself completely, it dies

When the soul does not give itself completely, it is dying.  It is useless to indulge in half or with restrictions, because life is savored whole, with kisses, bites and smiles, with the passion typical of courageous people who with hugs recompose all our broken parts and that neither the years nor time will erase from our soul.

There is a curious Celtic legend of the fourteenth century that offers us a symbolic image of all this. According to the same, there is a white mare that theoretically inhabits our dream world. It feeds on the fears, nightmares and souls of sad people. He takes them and locks them in the cracks in the rocks and in the holes under the roofs.

Allowing sadness and despair to take root in our being is much more than a curse.  So it is with old folklore and also with current psychology. There are many causes that lead to this sad state, where will, desire and passion disappear… However, we must be able to blossom again. To give life to a new cycle.   

Far from escalating this state to being overcome by the white mare ridden by the jockey of depression, we must step out of the holes in the roof, those lonely spaces,  to be able to embrace life and opportunity again.


When the soul is tired

Byung-Chul is a Korean philosopher who moved to Germany whose books are of great relevance. In one of these, “The society of fatigue”, he speaks of a concrete reality, as well as known. Today the human being has a voracious and implacable enemy: himself and his inability to love others sincerely.

According to the author, the mistake lies in our sick narcissism. Currently it is no longer important to be, because the only thing we really care about is appearing, performing. For this reason, we give so much importance to advertising, social networks, fashions, inhabited by the bitter abyss of falsehood … We are gradually forgetting a fundamental aspect: enhancing the existence of the other. We must learn to recognize ourselves through the love we give to others, through friendship, humility and even altruism.

The soul that feels tired is the reflection of a heart that wanders, of a compass that does not mark the north and of a train without passengers.  Something is missing, such as the passion and courage to allow himself the opportunity to love fully, Something we have already seen, for example, in the film Melancholia by Lars von Trier, in which Justine, the depressed and unable to love protagonist, reacts only when the earth is about to be destroyed by a planet. It is then that he discovers the existence of the other. 


The passion of waking up

It is possible that many of you feel this way.  Drowsy, apathetic, ill with a bad mood and with little desire to love with all one’s soul. Perhaps due to a disappointment, a failure or that vital anhedonia that characterizes many people. Getting immersed in this emotional mess is dangerous. It means giving away a vital detachment and a renunciation, moving forward only in the calendar.

Passion is the only thing that can save us. It is the fuel of the will, the essence  so that everything acquires meaning and importance. We can turn the scores of our life into music by starting with the simplest, most elementary things.

We explain it to you below.


Restarting the soul is a matter of will and creativity

Passion requires fuel to grow. We must be able to find a reason, something that excites us, identifies us and transports us. One way to achieve it is to let ourselves be infected by the vital energy of other people: by sharing common passions, spaces and projects.

  • We must also be aware that routine is what weakens our soul the most.  It is normal that we are forced to do certain things. However, these anesthetic routines harm us. As far as possible, therefore, try to introduce new activities every day. Something worth waking up for.
  • Passion is our refuge. To feed it, we need certain nutrients:  a sense of curiosity and enthusiasm, gratitude, respect and participation …
  • To live with passion, we must also understand what holds it back,  what blocks its expression, vitality and what aspects torment our soul. Sometimes the routine we were talking about before, other times people who prevent us from being reborn, from appreciating the opportunities of the moment. We need to identify and deactivate what prevents us from being happy.

The need to transcend

Abraham Maslow coined a word for his pyramid of needs that we must not forget: self-fulfillment.  When people fulfill all the basic dimensions, which have to do with physiology, security and belonging, there comes a time when one must be able to transcend.

Let’s talk about that personal and emotional growth where our efforts should go beyond the ego. This creative potential can only be achieved by choosing passion, instead of fear, and love, instead of those cracks that the white mare drags us into.

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