Believe In Yourself: Don’t Let Yourself Be Labeled

Believe in yourself: don't let yourself be labeled

Believing in yourself allows you to grow and mature, because if we believe we can do it, we risk much more  than when we think we are unable to do something.

People who are not self-confident remain in their comfort zone and never explore new ways. I was inspired for this article by a conversation overheard on the subway. A girl of about 25, apparently introverted and discreet, was talking to a woman in her fifties who appeared to be her mother.

From what I have gleaned, the girl had been unemployed for years and the area in which she had experience was the sector that was most affected by the crisis. She argued that, since the job market was in such a crisis, she would have to look for a job in any field, be it a waitress, a cashier, etc.

What amazed me was the quarrelsome tone of her mother, who told her that she would not be able to work as a waitress or cashier as these jobs require spontaneous and outgoing girls. The girl agreed with her and resigned herself. The expression on her face changed completely: she went from being enthusiastic to being disheartened. Suddenly that possibility that could have opened the doors to the world of work was gone.

So I asked myself: why does he listen to her? The opinion of our family members should not influence us either. Only those who think like a winner can get what they want.

People who have a winning mentality are those who do not let anyone interfere in their plans and who when someone from outside doubts their worth they continue to carry on. They would never change their decisions because of the opinion of others.

That situation made me feel helpless. The girl I sat opposite in the subway seemed intelligent and good looking, but she was being underestimated because she was introverted and, not believing in herself, she was closing doors.

Each personality type has its positive and negative sides, none are better than the other. We need to accept ourselves as we are in order for all the potential we have to come out.

Belief in yourself is essential to have the courage to take risks and embark on new experiences. We would never discover the potential that we can develop if we do not venture to explore new paths.

That girl didn’t have enough confidence in herself and the worst part was that she allowed herself to be labeled, believing her personality wouldn’t be right for what she wanted to do. Never let a comment like “you can’t do this” hold you back from making your decisions, even when this opinion comes from one of your family members.

These negative opinions should serve to spur you on to fight since, if you don’t try, you can’t know if you would do it right or wrong. Change the “I can’t” to a “I believe in myself and I’ll try”.

Believing in yourself is the most positive action that we can give to our person because, if you don’t believe in yourself, neither will others.

Love and acceptance change us

When we accept ourselves and believe in our possibilities, we transform and everything that previously seemed difficult becomes easier.

The proof is that many insecure people go through a big change when they find the person who makes them feel loved and accepted. Love and acceptance make each person bring out the best in themselves.

Finding this person, be it a partner, friend or family member, can give you a positive impetus that allows you to grow as an individual. However, when you don’t have this external presence, you can still be able to achieve the same effect if you believe in it from within.

You can love and accept yourself so much that nothing of the negative things that are said to you can harm you.

Most of the limitations we believe we have are in our negative thinking. If we could realize all that a human being can achieve with effort and self-confidence, we would be surprised.

The girl I talked about in this article should have said to her mother: “This is your opinion, but I think I can perfectly work as a waitress or cashier, because being introverted is not a bad thing. I have many other qualities that will certainly enhance me in my work ”.

If you let others tell you what you cannot do, you will not allow your potential to grow. Trust yourself, value yourself and continue on your journey.

Image courtesy of: Dimitris Papazimouris

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