Stories Of Dogs That Moved The World

Animals often become protagonists of heroic acts or moving behaviors. Here are some dog stories that will thrill you and make you think.
Stories of dogs that moved the world

There are not a few stories of dogs that make people move. They emotionally tell how man’s best friend always manifests his solidarity and infinite loyalty. There are many dogs who literally gave their lives for their owners. In dangerous situations, these animals do not hesitate to do everything in their power to save humans, even if they are strangers.

There are also many stories of dogs following their owners everywhere, until death, or of those who understand that a child is a vulnerable being and therefore intervene to protect him at the risk of their own safety.

Dogs give us great life lessons, every day. They are faithful, loving and cheerful companions. They give everything to man without asking for almost anything in return. From time immemorial they have been man’s inseparable companions and, even if we often forget them, for ten thousand years they have accompanied us in every moment of our history. In this article, we share some of the most exciting dog stories.

Dog stories for reflection

Salty, a guide dog turned hero

Salty is a Labrador Golden Retriever protagonist of one of the most moving episodes that took place during the famous 11 September in New York. Its owner, the Colombian Omar Eduardo Rivera, is blind and could only move around the city thanks to his sane guide, Salty. Rivera was working in Tower 1 of the World Trade Center and was at his workplace when the first of the two planes hit the building.

Salty reacted nervously as screams could be heard everywhere. Then, he barked incessantly from the corridor. Rivera understood that the dog was calling to bring him to safety. Then he approached his animal and, step by step, Salty guided him through all 71 floors of the building, until he reached the street. Once there, the building collapsed. Salty drove her master to the subway and then home. One of those that have traveled around the world.

Golden retriever dog

Love for one’s mistress

Another fantastic story, beyond the imagination of any screenwriter, took place in Punta Arenas, Chile. The dog’s name is unknown and its owner was an 8-year-old girl, united by a very strong bond. One morning, the mother took her little brother to kindergarten, leaving the little girl alone in the house for almost an hour.

A man, who had been trying to abuse the child for some time, took advantage of the situation and showed up at the front door . After making sure his parents were absent, he forcibly entered and tried to rape the little girl, who could barely defend herself. The dog furiously threw himself on the attacker, biting and severely injuring him, until he escaped.

When her mother came home, the little girl told her what had happened. The police arrived shortly after and were able to catch some traces of the pedophile’s blood. Thanks to the DNA test, the police were able to trace the attacker and put him behind bars.

Bobby and the power of loyalty

Bobby was a Skye Terrier dog that became a true legend. His master was John Gray, an Edinburgh night watchman who adopted him and made him his inseparable friend. However, Gray died of tuberculosis in 1858. The animal had spent every moment of his life with him and could not understand what was happening.

John Gray is said to have been buried in Greyfriars Cemetery. Since then, Bobby decided to move to that place to stay next to his master, even beyond life. This is one of the most touching dog stories, a display of unconditional love that surpasses even death.

Skye terrier

Locals noted that the dog never left his master’s grave for any reason. They tried to lure him and take him away, but without success. After nine years, an order was issued that every stray dog ​​was to be put down. A gentleman, William Chambers, decided to pay to get Bobby in order and put on the obligatory collar, now kept in a Scottish museum.

Bobby died 14 years after his owner. He was buried and the sculptor Wiliam Brodie made a life-size reproduction of this loyal dog. Since the year 2000, Bobby’s grave has become something of a shrine that people visit to pay their respects. On his tombstone we read:

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