Having Friends Is The Secret To Laughing

Having friends is the secret to laughing

Having friends involves insured, unexpected and explosive laughter, of those that attract attention, that make our cheeks blush and make us weep, immediately healing the annoying moments of daily sadness of our heart.

Friendship has many secondary effects, but one of them, probably the most cathartic, is undoubtedly the pleasure of laughing in company. In fact, it is curious to discover that on the scale of emotional pleasure, laughter is much healthier than a simple smile, just as crying is always better than holding back tears.

In reality, there is no pain more pleasant than the one that comes from our stomach thanks to the loud laughter. Because this feeling is a reflection of social cohesion and well-being, as friendship is also a way to recycle tears and disappointments and make laughter stand as a true teacher of wisdom.

moon with smile

Bouts of laughter sweeten adversity

The greatest fun is that which arises from adversity and which we have the pleasure of sharing with people who are significant to us. In the case of women, friendship is undoubtedly the best daily foothold through which to foster an outlet and an emotional catharsis.

In fact, according to a study published in the journal “Psychology Today”, friendship between men is more instrumental and less emotional and, even if the bond can be equally close and significant, it is not possible to achieve that type of complicity, so intimate and intuitive in which to find authentic moral support.

In difficult moments, it is normal that within the group of friends, almost out of nowhere, an unexpected comment arrives that can create that spark in an instant and make the thought fly beyond the tension. In short, someone takes a step further, a leap to irony, to absurdity, so that in a second the best mechanism to heal the soul is created – the authentic pill for daily pain: laughter a uproariously.

old women laughing

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Laughter: nourishment for the brain

Laughter can seem like a trivial thing, in some moments ephemeral, sometimes chaotic, explosive or without too much feeling. Despite this, it acts as an authentic “nourishment” for our brain. It always hides some meaning and rarely an emotion manages to have a similar emotional impact and a social transcendence as high as laughter.

Greg Bryant, professor at the University of California (UCLA), conducted a curious study in which he was able to show that it is enough to listen to the sound of laughter between two people for a few seconds to understand if it is a couple of partners, of friends. and to identify the degree of friendship. This work, conducted in different countries and cultures, has in turn demonstrated something that anthropologists were already aware of.

Laughter forms a part of our evolutionary development and is also an instinctive mechanism that fosters cooperation between human beings. Our brain reminds us that social alliances are positive, necessary to survive. As a result, laughter acts as a prodigious emotional cure. If we are able to understand its intensity, its musicality and its cadence, we will even be able to deduce what stage the relationship has reached.

friends play

In fact, the loud laughter accompanied by the intimate complicity of two looks that are read and felt from the bottom of the heart, constitute the authentic magic potion at the base of the most lasting friendships. They are those laces that lift us off the ground, that sugar that makes us digest the bitterness of the day and that magic formula to convince us that the world will always have meaning as long as exceptional people exist.

Laughter, as a result, helps us survive and unites us with each other. And the brain takes pleasure in this, rewarding us with endorphins to help relieve stress and relieve the maze of our tensions and the abyss of our fears.

As we said at the beginning, therefore, simple smiles do not heal, just as the tears we hold back or hide do not heal either. What cures is crying, and what makes the heart rejoice is the loudest laughter.

sunflower laughs

To conclude, and as a curiosity, we leave you with a small text that Richard Wiseman, British psychologist and researcher of the “Laughlab project” (the laughter laboratory), used to use in his tests to stimulate the sense of humor of his participants. As he read these lines to them, he remembered an essential thing that should never be forgotten. The best time to laugh is always now.

“Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson are on vacation on a campsite. They retire to their tents and fall asleep deeply. During the night Holmes wakes up and shakes his friend.

– Watson, look up in the sky and tell me what you see!

– I see millions and millions of stars, Holmes.

– And what do you make of it? Asks Holmes.

– Well, from an astronomical point of view, this makes me think that there are millions of galaxies in the sky and, therefore, potentially, billions of planets. From an astrological point of view, I see that Saturn is in Leo. From an hourly point of view, if I look at the Moon, I deduce that it is about 3:15. From a meteorological point of view, I think we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. From a theological point of view, it makes me understand that God is Infinite Power and that we are only a very small and insignificant part of the Universe. But why are you asking me? What does all this suggest to you? “

Holmes remains silent for a moment and then exclaims: -Watson, you are an idiot! Someone stole our tent! “

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