All Day In Pajamas During Quarantine?

Why don’t you have to stay all day in your pajamas during quarantine? Dressing normally helps us feel better during home isolation. In this article we will explain why.
All day in my pajamas during quarantine?

Due to the current situation, we have all changed our daily routine. Most of us are in home isolation. The home is no longer just the place where we rest, but it has also become our office and our gym. In light of this, you don’t have to stay in your pajamas all day, but dress as if you were going to work and keep your own schedules, such as those of meals.

It is good to understand that it is important to maintain your daily routine: washing, dressing, etc. This will benefit not only our physical but also our mental health. By doing so, we will have a schedule to follow and we will be able to better manage the time we spend at home due to quarantine.

Woman using computer

A well-organized routine will allow us not to spend all day in pajamas

During the quarantine the temptation to stop sports training, to eat when we want and to abandon our daily routines increases. But that is precisely what we must not do.

First, we need to understand that we are not on vacation. We find ourselves in this condition following the extraordinary condition we are experiencing.

We should try, as far as possible, to maintain the same routine as before the quarantine. Wake up at the same time, go to bed at the same time, have lunch and dinner at fixed times, set aside time for physical activity and for your hobbies.

In addition to this, it is necessary to try to adapt the domestic environments to work or study and differentiate them from those intended for recreational or playful activities.

In order for you to be able to follow this routine effectively, you must start the day with personal care. When we get up, we have to wash and dress; when we are done working, we will be able to wear more comfortable clothes. This will help our mind to relax and enjoy new activities even if we always stay indoors. We advise you to wear pajamas only when it is time to go to bed, so that the body can understand that it is time to sleep.

Self-esteem and self-efficacy will increase if you don’t spend all day in your pajamas

During the quarantine, you have to maintain good habits even without the external comments that normally come from others or from the context in which you work. We must therefore maintain our habits and, if necessary, modify them in order to remain motivated and comfortable with the activities we are about to carry out.

From this point of view, not staying in pajamas all day will help us a lot. First of all, it will improve our self-efficacy, because we are not subjected to the external pressures that lead us to carry out the activities that affect us.

Dressing as if we were going to work will help us be more productive. For example, if we start an online course, we will learn the new notions better if we dress appropriately and put ourselves in an area of ​​the house suitable for studying.

As for self-esteem, under normal conditions, it is largely fueled by the praise we receive from others. In quarantine, the people we can physically relate to are very limited. This self-perception must therefore be guided and nurtured by ourselves. To perform this function properly, personal care is essential. Taking off our pajamas, taking a shower, getting dressed and combing our hair will increase our self-confidence.

These operations will not only help us maintain a daily routine, but will significantly increase our self-confidence and self-esteem. In this way we will find the motivation despite the current situation.

The motivation: the secret to controlling the emotional waterfall in quarantine

Motivation is essential for doing any activity, from when we wake up to when we go to bed. The realization of our dreams and our goals depends on it. However, the motivation can be influenced by several factors, one of which may be the fact that we are locked up day and night at home.

Finding yourself in a critical situation such as that caused worldwide by COVID-19 and the abrupt change in our routines can generate anxiety and depression. This creates a general malaise that affects us and the people around us. This occurs because there is a synchronization between what happens internally (in ourselves) and what happens outside (the context that surrounds us).

While these symptoms are almost inevitable, it is important to know how to deal with them and how to manage them. This is where motivation comes in, as it allows us to find and apply tools that help us to properly control the situation. In this case, the motivation can be fueled by actions such as not wearing pajamas all day.

By taking off our pajamas and getting dressed, we are giving ourselves the message that we need to get up and start the day. This operation encourages us to carry out other activities that motivate us and give us the strength to move forward. These small gestures help us maintain our routine and control the emotional cascade caused by the current situation.

Woman getting ready in front of the mirror

Why do astronauts avoid wearing pajamas all day when on a mission in space?

To conclude, we will give you another example of the importance of not wearing pajamas all day during quarantine. One of the best known is that of the astronauts.

When on a mission in space, they are usually in solitary confinement for a few months. During this period of time they follow a specific routine, how to dress, which allows them to mark the different parts of the day.

This example allows us to understand the importance of a daily routine that includes changing clothes and designating spaces to carry out various activities. Thanks to this, we will be able to face the situation in a more bearable way and, therefore, to have more motivation.

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