The Right Age To Not Be Afraid And Do What You Want

The right age to not be afraid and do what you want

Do you want to know how old I am?

I am the age in which things are looked at more calmly, but with the interest of continuing to grow.

I am the age when dreams begin to touch with the fingers and illusions turn into hopes.

I am the age when love is sometimes a crazy spark, anxious to be consumed in the flames of a passion. At other times, it is an oasis of peace, like an afternoon on the beach.

Do you want to know how old I am? I don’t need to say a specific number. My realized hopes and the tears I’ve shed along the way are worth much more than that.

What does it matter that he turns 20, 40 or 60?

What matters is the age I feel on myself.

I am the right age to live freely and without fear.

To walk the path without fear, since I carry with me the acquired experience and the strength of my desires.

What does it matter how old I am? Nobody cares!

I am the right age to not be afraid and to do what I feel like doing.

(José Saramango)

How have we changed, haven’t we? It seems like yesterday that we were 10 years younger or even that we were children. Time passes without us realizing it.

However, we are perfectly aware that we have not stopped enjoying the time we have available and that we are accumulating teachings thanks to which we are no longer afraid of falling into the abyss.

Sometimes, however, it is difficult to understand and we are invaded by insecurity. Nonetheless, the passage of time gives us the temperance to know that the best we can offer is within us.

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Accumulating youth is an art

It is not time to make us understand that fears must be faced: it is the damage, the experiences we accumulate, that make our world go round.

This is precisely the value we must give over the years. We are already old enough to reaffirm our identity and know how to position ourselves, even if sometimes we clash with those who do not know what it means.

Age offers us the opportunity to learn from lost battles and feelings, so as to embrace the calendar and the clock.

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Time lived deserves a sigh

“Enjoying the past is living twice”

Enjoying memories calms the mood, as it raises our self-esteem and strengthens our relationships. Let’s say that, with the passage of time, our desires become a source of balance and psychic well-being that nourishes us.

Even though we sometimes suffer from it, remembering and feeling the memories intensely is a way to keep ourselves emotionally healthy. Nostalgic sighs create a bridge between present and past, which helps us to feel the continuity of our self and to understand what are the qualities we share with the person we have been.

In other words, through memory, we feed the feeling that yesterday and today merge into a perfect union between experience and time, which results in the characteristic self-confidence.

Managing this seventh sense allows us to understand that our only task is to become masters of our life.

Our wise gaze, at that point, will be able to treat present and future generations with affection and understanding. This means fulfilling the responsible purpose of being yourself without harming others.

Our heart is as old as the things it loves, so it is essential to continue growing.

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