A Day Without A Smile Is A Lost Day

A day without smile is a lost day

A day without a smile starts on the horizon like a lost day. This phrase might sound like a dentist’s hype, but it’s been scientifically proven that the cerebral cortex sends electrical impulses one second after laughter begins.

Laughing, the brain sends an order that causes the release of endorphins,

giving an inner feeling of comfort and well-being, as well as relieving pain and rebalancing our vitality.

Laughing is a natural calming and, in some ways, a kind of meditation.

If we can laugh, we enter a space where neither mind nor time exists. The mind thrives on expectations, laughter goes further. As in meditation, laughing makes us slip into a timeless dimension where we can unplug and forget about all our puzzles.

Laughter is so therapeutic that it even has a discipline of its own in psychology: laughter therapy.

A strategy aimed at producing emotional states through laughter. Although it cannot be considered a therapy, since it does not cure diseases in itself, it helps to stop, for example, the negative effects of anxiety or to decrease the intensity of negative emotions, such as sadness.

A day without a smile …

The benefits of rice therapy

Laughter therapy helps to play down the different situations of life, developing a competitive and optimistic spirit. For this reason, people who follow rice therapy learn to have a better view of themselves, their surroundings and their possibilities. For this reason, the situations that make us laugh “like idiots” are so irresistible.

A day without smile is a lost day

This technique tells us that you have to laugh at least one minute three times a day. As little as it may seem, it is enough to notice improvements in the quality of one’s life, as laughter is a great preventative measure for unwanted emotional states. There

 Furthermore, rice therapy allows us to get rid of stress (by lowering the cortisol level) and to improve our approach to the different situations of life


Several scientific studies have shown that

laughing is good for your health, it helps to increase your defenses

and promotes psychological balance. Are you still thinking of passing a day without a smile?

Laughing keeps depression away

One of the best techniques for fighting depression is a sense of humor. It will be much easier to get away from negative emotions and thoughts by observing and interpreting what happens to us through the positive filters of humor. Let’s not forget that

more than the facts themselves, it is the way we interpret them that conditions our mood.

A day without a smile promotes depression

A day without a smile, therefore, is a day full of negative effects. Rice therapy, on the other hand, is the most positive and effective technique as a complement to the therapy used in the fight against depression. Laughing, we feel more relaxed, happier, calmer, relieved. Furthermore, as already mentioned, on a chemical level, laughter produces endorphins that lead us to feel better. Pablo Neruda also said it:

sincere laughter is the mirror of what we have inside

, so taking life with humor helps us take care of our health.

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