The Love Of Introverted People

The love of introverted people

The brains of introverted people work in a different way. For this reason, their emotional relationships are usually more delicate: they are made up of fewer words, but they contain much more sincere and profound “I love you”. They are individuals who have the ability to create a much more intense, almost magical, connection with their loved one.

Today, fortunately, we are able to understand introverted people much better. Thanks to the large amount and variety of studies and books published on the subject, such as Susan Cain’s The Power of Introverts , today we know many important aspects of introversion, for example its diversity with respect to shyness. Introverts are selective, observant, sensitive, and even good leaders in a work environment.

As for love, it often happens that introverted people have to deal with some difficulties. During their teens or youths, they may feel that they cannot hold a candle to the contagious wit and cheerfulness of extroverted people. For a certain period of time they take refuge in the quiet corners and in the back rows of the class, from which they observe the world with calm and discretion.

The introverted teenager usually loves in secret. He doesn’t have the courage to take the first step in a context that seems to be done only for daring people, for lovers of mass events and large groups of friends where everyone talks and no one listens.

But even if it happens little by little, even the introvert “wakes up” and realizes all his qualities.


When the need for solitude becomes a problem

They say simplicity is about leaving aside the obvious and holding onto the significant ones. This view of life is certainly typical of introverts. They do not like artifice, talking just to talk, wanting to attract attention or invest time and energy in aspects that have nothing to do with their true essence, their soul and their personality.

Perhaps for this reason, it is not at all easy for them to approach others with strategies such as simple flirting, going to a party to socialize or strike up a conversation with the person they are interested in when they are in a larger group. It should not be forgotten that, just as neurologists explain, introverts suffer from increased neuronal fatigue when they have to communicate or socialize. For this reason they need longer moments of solitude to recharge their batteries.

Carl Gustav Jung also approached the subject of introversion. According to this philosopher and psychoanalyst, introverted people focus all their attention on subjective and psychological processes. For this reason, they tend to move away from the noise of everyday life to breathe the oxygen of solitude they need.

If these are their characteristics, how can they find a partner?

Introverted people and love

One of the trends that are starting to make their way today is that of the “Quiet Revolution”. This approach has several purposes. First of all, it wants to destroy false stereotypes: introversion and extroversion are not closed categories. They are two ends of a continuum, and each person can have different degrees of one or the other.


Introverted people don’t hate socializing. And they don’t lack social skills either, far from it . These are people who have achieved their freedom. In a hyperactive society that forces us to always be attentive to what happens around us, due to the avalanche of information from which we are submerged, the introvert has found refuge in himself. This allows him to be more creative, sensitive, original and analytical, as well as being able to better manage emotions.

Sometimes you don’t have to go to parties to find a partner. People of this type know in which contexts to move and how to create bonds with others. They know how to seduce thanks to short distances, face-to-face conversations, moments of simple and magical complicity.

The characteristics of the introverted couple

Another myth we should overcome is that introverts are only good paired with someone who has similar personalities to theirs. Not so: introverts and extroverts can have great relationships, which help them enrich each other.

Here are the traits that usually characterize them:

  • Introverted people love to share moments of solitude with their partner.

    They focus all their attention and energy on that person. They are also fantastic architects when it comes to connecting the deepest emotions and are able to build a solid foundation for a true and stable commitment.

  • On the other hand, and this is an important detail,
    introverted people know how to give space to the person they love

    . They do it because they themselves need moments of solitude to reflect on their surroundings and enjoy the time they have for themselves.

  • It is also important to understand that
    an introverted person should never be forced to be or do something that does not reflect them.

    They are people who struggle to change their habits, to go against their values ​​or their essence. They don’t understand tricks and won’t “socialize more” just because their partner asks them to.

  • Being silent does not necessarily mean that something is wrong.

    This is a very common misunderstanding. Having an introverted partner also means sharing many moments of silence. And that doesn’t mean he’s bored, doesn’t know what to say, or isn’t comfortable. So, there is no need to bombard him with “What are you thinking about?”.

If there’s one thing introverted people really appreciate, in fact, it’s sharing those moments of silence. Being able to be yourself without pressure, enjoy that authentic simplicity, linking your inner world with that of your loved one, thanks to the purest of complicity.

What more can you ask for?

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