3 Advantages Of Speaking Alone

3 benefits of speaking for yourself

When someone talks to himself, it often happens that people around him turn around looking at him badly, perhaps thinking that he is crazy. And have you ever been surprised while you were talking to yourself? Maybe you do it normally, it may be part of your way of being.

Many people speak for themselves because this way they can clear their minds. For others, speaking aloud during study serves to better memorize and understand concepts that previously seemed to have no connection. Many times we also speak aloud to combat loneliness.

Whatever the reason you talk to yourself, don’t be ashamed. As we will see, speaking alone can be due to various causes and can be useful in resolving some situations. Are you still not completely convinced that it is positive? Then we advise you to continue reading this article.

1. Talking to yourself helps to calm down

You may have caught yourself talking to yourself at times when you were under pressure. In stressful or nervous situations, talking alone can help you manage tension, clear your head, organize yourself better, and see the situation more clearly.

Imagine this scenario: you have organized your day tomorrow from scratch, but at the last minute a new business comes up. Suddenly you find yourself having to rearrange your time to be able to fit everything. Here you begin to notice a feeling of anxiety and stress growing in you, as is inevitable when you receive a task at the last hour. Talking to yourself can help you clear your head and reorganize everything effectively.  


Have you ever had to prepare a speech? You have nerves on the edge of your skin even though you know that when the time comes to talk you will be able to appear calm. But in that moment, while you are preparing the speech, you will surely ask yourself questions like: “Why am I so nervous?”. Speaking out loud helps you calm down and relax.

Talking to oneself, however, can also be useful in situations where one feels alone and is therefore nervous. There are many who do not know how to be alone or who feel suffocated when this happens. Speaking out loud can help you feel company.

2. Talking to yourself increases the level of efficiency

As we said, when you are under pressure, talking to yourself can make you more active and efficient. To scientifically support this claim, a team of psychologists from the University of Wisconsin and the University of Pennsylvania has carried out an important study on the subject.

The names of the psychologists in charge of the study are Gary Lupyan and Daniel Swingley, and with their research they have studied the behavior of a group of people in the face of the realization of a task. Individuals who completed the task silently took longer to understand what they had to do than those who did it aloud. The differences were notable.


In this way, it was possible to demonstrate that speaking alone is helpful in clearing one’s mind and increasing one’s problem-solving skills . This can be useful when you are stuck on a project or feel lost, not knowing where to start.

What is curious is that, apparently, man’s communication skills are not limited to conversations with other people, but also with himself. Talking to yourself will allow you to resolve situations that would otherwise take you much more time.

3. Talking to yourself is to find motivation

Do you think that speaking alone only implies greater efficiency and greater order in the head? Well, speaking alone has another great benefit linked to the realization of our dreams: it serves to motivate us and acts as an impulse towards success.

When you talk aloud to yourself to try to solve a problem, you can’t help but congratulate yourself. Without realizing it, you are motivating yourself to continue and successfully accomplish what you are doing.

For this reason, speaking alone is very useful when preparing for an exam or even simply during difficult situations. On the one hand you will memorize the concepts better, on the other hand you will be able to clear your ideas and find the solution to your problems. By remaining silent, on the contrary, you will probably be assailed by a sense of sadness and frustration.

If you too are one of the many people who speak for themselves, good for you! Surely it is useful for you to give your best. If you happen to see someone talking to themselves on the street, then, don’t call them crazy. Maybe he’s just trying to clear his head in an attempt to come up with an idea or a solution to some problem.


In any case, today we have discovered that man’s ability to speak is not oriented only towards others, but also towards himself, and  can be used in his own favor. After repeating the importance of trusting yourself, loving yourself and being aware of what you deserve so many times, isn’t it time to start talking to yourself too?

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