Letting Go Means Accepting One’s Past, But Not One’s Destiny

Letting go means accepting your past, but not your destiny

There are people who appear in our life almost by magic. They are wonderful cases of ephemeral, unstable happiness, they are loves that do not last. .. you have to know how to let them go in order to live in balance …


Letting go is never easy. It requires courage and the full belief that detaching from a relationship, friendship or situation is essential for our balance and happiness.

Knowing how to recognize the need to close a circle is already in itself an act of maturity. However, from recognizing it to acting, the transition is hard and filled with a personal sadness and pain that are difficult to overcome.

Letting go in most cases involves the need to “rebuild”, to be able to replan ourselves, many times starting from scratch.

However, it is good to keep in mind that it often happens that people are unable to face and overcome in the best way the end of a cycle, of a stage.

There are those who think that giving up a relationship means putting an end to their life. Beyond that separation, that farewell, there can be nothing else. As if you were letting go of that act of fate that will bring down the curtain on your love life.

We must beware of these defeatist thoughts and attitudes. After the point, it always goes to the head, and here new paths and opportunities open up to be happy as everyone desires.

Our invitation today is to reflect on this.

Let go with maturity and wisdom

At the beginning of the article we mentioned courage and conviction. Well, the act of letting go involves the reunification of many more dimensions, many more personal strategies that are worth knowing.

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1. People are not your destiny, you are your own creators

It is probable that for a time we were convinced that a certain person had appeared in our life because chance had chosen him, because destiny, weaving its invisible and subtle threads, had made him meet.

It is always good to keep your feet firmly on the ground, your heart on the alert and your wings for personal growth wide open. Affective relationships are not nourished by magic, but by daily well-being, commitment and enthusiasm.

Destiny is built in the “here and now”, and if at this moment you are not feeling happy or enthusiastic, try not to be eternal prisoners of suffering. Your destiny and your inner voice are showing you another path to take: that of your well-being.

2.Letting go means highlighting your needs

Don’t be afraid to say out loud that you too have NEEDS. One cannot call selfish those who demand respect, those who need to be listened to, loved or cared for.

Sometimes, when things are not going well, instead of being aware of your emotional malaise,  you continue to cling to certain aspects:

– To fear: the fear of what could happen if certain things are said or done. Fear of being alone, fear of being wrong, fear of change, etc.

– We often think that it is better to wait a little longer, because maybe things change, relationships will improve, the partner will suddenly realize that we are sick … Yet time passes, and none of this happens. Nothing changes.

Don’t be afraid to acknowledge what you are missing, and don’t be afraid to say aloud what you need to be happy. There is nothing to do with pride or selfishness in this, rather with courageous sincerity and emotional maturity.

Recognizing one’s needs serves for one’s self-esteem, for one’s personal growth and one’s well-being.

If you are unable to perceive yourself as a full and happy person, do not destroy your integrity even more, react. Close that stage… let go.

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3. People do not mark your end, no one has the right to close your doors

We tend to believe that the memory of a perfect friendship that has been shattered will remain forever in our hearts,  as well as the memory of that love that hurt us so much, but that changed something inside us.

It’s possible. Yet none of those past facts must determine an end point in our everyday life.

If someone has disappointed you in the past, don’t hold back from making new friends. And if someone has hurt you, don’t allow yourself to turn your heart into a piece of ice, throwing it into the deep well of despair.

Focus on the here and now. No one is in command of your destiny, and no one has the right to write the final point within the book of your life. Letting go is breaking new ground to allow new things to happen. Better things.

Never give up when you are forced to finish a stage. The secret is to accept that there are things that cannot be… and act accordingly.

Always tap into the deepest part of your heart, for that is where the truth about your feelings lies. These are those feelings that you will have to listen to with maturity, balance, wisdom… And great courage.

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