Achieve What You Deserve And What You Need Will Come

Get what you deserve and what you need will come

Get what you deserve and what you need will come. Have you ever thought about this simple phrase? There is nothing magical about all this, in reality it  is a simple self-discovery, capable of guiding us in each of our steps, to reach our goals, the  ones we really need.

Think about your daily life, full of pressures, obligations and goals to accomplish. You have become so rooted in these realities that you have forgotten one fundamental thing: yourself. What you deserve, what you need.   

Well, we know that all of these principles are very difficult to achieve. Every day we are very busy, we have duties towards things and people. You know you deserve more gratitude from your partner, your family, but what if they don’t come to meet you?

In reality, change must always start with ourselves. People don’t change. Therefore, it is you who must achieve what you deserve, always within your possibilities, because any movement, or change of attitude, however small it may be, can lead to great results.  

Destiny does not expect: it is built

tree and sand

You are the architects of your life.  As you advance and create it, your path will present you with some obstacles to overcome, and from which to learn something. If you are not clear about what you deserve, chances are you will get lost.

Many people are not sure what they really deserve.  They let time pass, and life weaves their successes, as well as their tragedies. If you are not clear that you deserve dignity, freedom and the right to personal growth, other people are likely to violate these principles of yours, without asking your permission.

Don’t allow it. If there is a need that you need to cultivate day after day, it is to be clear about everything you deserve. And do not err, because allowing what you need and deserve does not mean being selfish. It  also means thinking about yourself, respecting yourself, taking care of your self-esteem.

You deserve to be yourself every day of your life: listen to your inner voice

When was the last time you talked to yourself? The truth is that it is difficult to admit it, but there are very few times we come to have an authentic inner dialogue.

  • The mind is usually full of “noises”.  Limiting thoughts, worries, remembering mistakes every day, words spoken or unspoken, leave little room for our inner voice.
  • Take an hour or two for yourself. It has to be your personal, private space. Relax and start wondering how you feel. Then, ask yourself another question: what do you need?  
  • Finally, address another question: Do you think you are yourself every day of your life? Sometimes, we put the needs of others before our own,  and little by little, we remain in the background, we become “a shadow of ourselves”. Attention.
girl reads on the lawn

To achieve what you need, you must first afford what you deserve

Is simple. To meet a need, you must first be able to open a door. No one quenches his thirst if he does not find a source, nor goes out into the open to watch the arrival of rain.

As you can see, it is our inner strength, our determination and our will that must be clear at all times what the limits are and what the path is. If someone underestimates you, uses irony to attack you or prioritizes themselves every day, leaving you in the background, they are overstepping the line. No, you deserve it.

Always keep these simple principles in mind:

  • It is your thoughts that create what surrounds you: it is not what happens to you, it is how you think it. 
  • Think freer,  more open, avoid fears, denials, indecision… Broaden your horizons, step out of your daily comfort zone.
  • Do you think you deserve to be independent, to have a place in the world? Set yourself a goal every day,  and surpass yourself. Eventually what you need will come: your own gratitude and personal satisfaction.
  • Do you deserve someone who really loves you? Start being the person you want to be. When you feel proud of yourself, you will attract the person your heart really needs.
  • Do you deserve to be happy? So break the mold, get away from those who harm you, live new experiences  and, day after day, what you need will come: true well-being. Personal fullness.
girl hugs star

Also read: 

I was born whole, I don’t need the other half of the apple

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