The Time Has Come To Fight Envy

The time has come to fight envy

Envy is an emotion that, at times, manifests itself without us realizing it. What is striking? Our interpersonal relationships, so it will be very difficult for us to connect with others.

Admiring someone or wishing to be where someone close to us has gone has nothing to do with envy.

Envy is wanting what others have, but it’s not just that. The envious person also tries to destroy others.

Have you ever felt pain or anger at something your friend has achieved and you haven’t? Then you know perfectly well the emotion of envy, but you have to fight it today.

Envy is very destructive and you have to learn to put it aside in order to be comfortable with yourself and with others.

Are others better than me?

This is a question we should all ask ourselves: Why do we consider better than us those who have achieved what we have not been able to achieve?

We must think that all men are different and it is precisely the differences that make us unique. No one is better than you for having achieved something you have so much wanted to achieve.


Being sure of yourself is what will allow you to achieve everything you want. Maybe your colleague has already reached the goal, but your path can be very different.

Trust your possibilities and never give up on trying to get what you want. Be careful though! You will not achieve what others have simply by envying their successes.

You have your resources to get where you want. You must learn to take advantage of everything that makes you different from others. Maybe you have skills that the people you envy don’t have, so why envy them? Why do you want to be like others?

Playing at being others, putting yourself in others’ shoes will not help you reach your goals. Focus on yourself, trust your abilities and commit to making your dreams come true. You have a lot of resources at your disposal, you just need the strategy that suits you best.

Think that no one deserves your attention as much as you deserve and that, to achieve what you want, you have to look yourself in the face and forget about the people around you and their goals.

If you have to compete with someone, do it with yourself

We are used to competing, something that fuels the appearance of envy. Reaching a goal before the others pushes us to look at who we are closest to to try to copy their strategy.

This, however, does not guarantee success. What’s more, will overwhelming others make you happy? Absolutely no. You will feel alone in your victory because you will have destroyed all the important relationships you had. All this for the desire to be the best.


By this we are saying that the best attitude is to compete with yourself. What would you be able to do to get a 10? Trample anyone? This is not the right attitude, because it doesn’t really give you anything. It is not what you really want, nor does it make you feel fulfilled.

Think about what you really want and focus on yourself. Others will have dreams, but you have yours. Do not be influenced by goals that are not yours.

This does not mean that you should not “imitate” certain attitudes that others have adopted to achieve the goals you so desire. For example, if you want to make your dream come true, instead of stepping on the strongest opponent, why don’t you pay attention to what he is doing or how he is behaving?

Reflecting on this will help you not find the easy solution, the one from which you would not get the right benefit. Invest all your energy to improve every day. Only in this way will you be able to achieve the goals you have set for yourself.

Use the resources you have available, learn from your mistakes and follow the path that will lead you to your goals. Follow the steps of those who have already managed to reach the goal that you also want, but do not forget that the path will not be the same, because each of us is different and therefore unique.

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