In Life, The Moments That Take Your Breath Away Count

In life, the moments that take your breath away count

It is those moments that leave us stunned. Those in which we have no words, in which we freeze. Those moments in which we live intensely. Those that take our breath away.

It’s not a dream, you did it, and it was worth it. It doesn’t matter that some call it luck and others call it perseverance. You will always remember it as the moment that left you speechless, because the train of your life started running on new tracks.

Life is made up of moments

The moments that matter most are those in which you begin to wonder if it is worth living in a “sensible” way or if, on the contrary, you are clipping your own wings. The station platform no longer has anything to offer you, so don’t let yourself die: get on that train.

Relax, make mistakes, don’t try to be perfect. Take things less seriously. Take more risks, travel more. Climb the mountains, cross the rivers. Go to new places. Live more, worry less.

Don’t always travel with a survival kit, but take the opportunity to dye every day of your life with the most intense colors.


The Train of Life

Life is a lot like a train ride. With its stations, its track changes, some accidents, pleasant surprises in some cases, and deep sadness in others …

When we are born, we get on the train and meet our parents. We believe that they will travel alongside us forever, but a station will arrive at which they will have to get off to let us continue the journey alone. Suddenly we will find ourselves alone, without their company and their irreplaceable love.

However, many other people, who will become special and important to us, will get on the train of our life along the way. Our brothers, friends and, sooner or later, the love of our life.

Someone will only take the train for a short trip. Others will go through moments of darkness and sadness on that wagon. And we will always find someone willing to help those who need it most.

Many, as they descend, will leave an unbridgeable void. Others will pass by so unnoticed that we won’t know when they leave their seats.


Interestingly, some passengers, even loved ones, may choose to sit in cars other than ours. Throughout the journey we will be separated, with no possibility of really communicating.

The journey continues, full of challenges, dreams, fantasies, joys, sadness, expectations and greetings. We will try to forge good relations with all passengers, looking for the best in each of them. In some moments of the journey they may hesitate, and we will probably have to make an effort to understand them, but it is good to remember that we too are not always decisive and we need the understanding of others.

The great mystery that unites all of them is the fact that we ignore the station at which we will have to get off. Just as we do not know at what point of the journey our companions will abandon us, not even the one sitting next to us.


Sometimes I think about when I will have to get off the train. Will I feel nostalgia, fear, joy, anguish…? Separating myself from the friends I’ve shared the journey with will be painful, and letting my children continue alone will be very sad. But I cling to the hope that, sooner or later, I will experience the thrill of seeing them arrive at the main station, with a baggage they did not have with them when they started their journey.

What will make me happy will be knowing that I have also collaborated in their growth path, and I have helped them to stay on the train until the end of the journey.

Friends, let’s make our journey on this train full of meaning, and worth it.

Images courtesy of Cata and Aida Donoso

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