3 Books To Teach Children To Believe In Themselves

3 books to teach children to believe in themselves

Today we see together some books that are intended to teach children to believe in themselves. Why is this an important topic? The reason is perfectly summed up in a sentence by Karl A. Menninger: “What we give to children, they will give to society”.

As parents, we all dream of having happy, contented children who can do what they love.  For this reason, it is essential that they grow up in a more just and balanced world. And to have a properly developed society, you need people who are confident and self-sufficient and who can pour all their skills into a fuller life.

The confidence that allows you to believe in yourself starts from intuition and knowledge

During early childhood, babies are usually spontaneous and direct, which is partly why dealing with them is such a special experience. But as early as the age of seven they begin to worry about “what others will say” and the opinions of friends, educators and family members.

Happy little girl swinging on a swing

However,  we must not act in such a way that part of the spontaneity of the little ones is lost. Instead, we teach them to manage their emotions, without losing contact with them. If we want them to grow up adequately and safely, we need to show them the way to assertively express their emotions. They have rights and our mission is that they know them, so that in our absence no one can try to deprive them of them.

If this is not done, we get children who are not in touch with their emotions, ending up drifting away from a part of their identity. Let us remember that  a child who does not have a clear identity, as well as an adult, loses part of himself, and this creates insecurity.

Books to teach children to believe in themselves

At this point a list of educational books comes into play that can help us children to never stop believing in themselves. These readings can help them to understand that their tastes and desires will always play a role, to engage in a direct dialogue with their emotions, so that they can identify and express them in a way that does not harm themselves or others. These educational books for children will help make them more confident, confident in their possibilities and strong in their self-esteem. Take note of the titles.

The flock

Let’s start our list with Margarita del Mazo’s flock . A book with beautiful illustrations that entertain young and old. Inside we will find  a beautiful lesson on the individual, on the neighbor and on diversity.

The author does this by telling us the story of a very special flock of sheep, the ones we count on to fall asleep. Everything was fine when these animals appeared in thoughts, ran, jumped and continued their journey … until number four disappeared.


Let’s now pass to Corvo , the work of Leo Timmers. This is another illustrated book that gracefully addresses everyone’s common need to feel loved. We must not let them treat us differently from others just because we are different.

This is what happens to the raven protagonist of the story. No bird wants to know about him and he himself cannot understand why. Everything will change, however, when this dark bird takes the reins of his life and discovers that there is no reason to be different just to be accepted.

Child reading a book in a boat on the beach

I like you (almost always)

It’s the turn of I like you (almost always) , by Anna Llenas. In this case,  the story has unconditional love as its protagonist, that which goes beyond social conventions, defects and differences.

Here the protagonists are a pet named Lolo and a firefly named Rita. They are opposing characters: the first is a perfectionist and a control freak, the second is pure improvisation. But when there is love, balance is always an impossible mission.

We saw three books to teach children to believe in themselves that are  really fun and enjoyable to read with our children. We water their childhood garden so that they grow fully, just as they are, happy and confident that they are unique and wonderful people.

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