10 Tips To Take Care Of Yourself

10 tips to take care of yourself

In recent times, the videos of the Spanish writer Elsa Punset in which she teaches how to take care of ourselves through simple exercises that we will talk about on this occasion, are depopulated on the net. In her videos, the writer stresses the importance of learning to take care of oneself even in adulthood. For this reason, today we reveal the 10 best tips to take care of yourself and love yourself a little more every day. As you deserve.

1. Learn to express your feelings

When you don’t express your emotions and feelings, you create a huge barrier around you. This situation usually triggers blocks, fears and, more importantly, prevents you from enjoying your emotional freedom. Sharing what you feel with the people around you will bring you closer to them and will move communication to a more intimate level, where trust is greater.

2. Don’t compare yourself to others

Each of us is unique and unrepeatable. This is why constantly comparing with others can lead you to become the person you are not. When you do not accept yourself for who you are, with your strengths and your defects, you block your essence, that is, what makes you feel alive and allows you to love yourself. Compare yourself with others in a healthy and constructive way to learn, gain experiences that help you and advice that allows you to overcome and improve more easily.

3. Form a small group

Form a small group of people to turn to when you need emotional support and advice. In many moments of the life experience it is normal to feel blocked, it is normal not to see the way out. A good friend who loves and respects you can always share the great wisdom of life with you. And let you see the light.

4. Find time to do what makes you feel good

We all need to reward and pamper ourselves. Loving and taking care of yourself by doing the activities you enjoy most will be a way to feel good. Avoid falling into the routine of always doing the usual things. Be concerned about enjoying your time and doing what you want and what makes you feel good.

5. Laugh whenever you can

Surround yourself with people who see life in a realistic way, but also with great optimism, ambition and humor. Many scientific studies reveal that our smile is a gift we give to ourselves on a physical and emotional level. And this also affects those around you.


6. Relax

When you relax, you improve your mind and help your body keep fit, with a healthy inner balance. You can try different activities such as yoga, tai chi, meditation, listening to music, reading books. Any exercise allows you not to think too much and to feel good about yourself.

7. Learn to say “no”

A difficult task for many people. Knowing how to say “no” to unreasonable expectations, requests or claims will allow you to respect yourself much more and to make others respect you too. In this way, you will avoid possible unpleasant situations in the future on an emotional level.

8. Do a job you enjoy

Check if a job is right for you or if you feel comfortable in the workplace. Focus your attention on the aspects of your work that satisfy you most and leave out the most negative ones. In this case, we suggest you do not forget that all jobs have negative aspects. If you are willing to change jobs to achieve what you have always dreamed of, then we give you all the support you need. Remember: if you have dreams, it is because you also have what it takes to make them a reality.

9. Exercise

Countless studies confirm that physical activity is highly beneficial for preventing illness and staying healthy, as well as strengthening character, discipline and the responsibility to make decisions in daily life. Being more physically active day after day is a good way to start.

10. Take care of your spiritual life

Try to take time to think about the things that bring you peace, beauty and serenity in life. Continue and follow your spiritual path. Do not keep anything inside that has to do with love and affection: do not be ashamed to show it to the people you love most. Share your thoughts with the people who trust you and whom you trust and breathe. Feel the silence and focus on yourself.

Featured image courtesy of Aleshyn_Andrei.

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